Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley announces an upcoming episode where Dave Garcia, president of Rancho Mesa Insurance and Vern Steiner, president and CEO of State Compensation Insurance Fund discuss the impacts COVID-19 is having on the California workers' compensation marketplace.
Ep. 32 Common Sense Strategies for Buying Commercial Insurance
Ep. 31 Post COVID-19 XMODs Threaten Double Whammy
Ep. 29 Timely Reporting of Workers' Compensation Claims
Ep. 28 Loss Control in the Landscape Industry
Ep. 27 Landscape Best Practices for Ex-Mod
Ep. 26 Cyber Threats to Contractors
Ep. 24 Three Years Without Lost Time Incident
Rancho Mesa's Vice President of the Landscape Group, Drew Garcia discusses business tactics and safety in the landscape industry with Roscoe Klausing from Klausing Group, Central Kentucky’s first Landscape Industry Certified professional in 2000 and the youngest winner of Commerce Lexington's Small Business of the Year award.