
Cracking the Code: Deciphering the Primary Threshold’s Impact

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Every business owner understands the correlation between their Experience MOD (XMOD) and what they will pay in workers’ compensation premiums.  When the XMOD increases, there is a good chance that the workers’ compensation rates or premiums will rise as well.  This is why it is so crucial to really hone in on company safety procedures to limit work-related injuries as much as possible.  The reality is that even the safest company that does everything the right way is going to run into a workers’ compensation claim from time to time.

The Billion-Dollar Cost of Working at Height: The Critical Questions to Ask Before Climbing a Ladder

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Every year, OSHA publishes a “top 10 most frequently cited standards” list. Without question, ladders and fall protection consistently make the list. A Liberty Mutual 2023 workplace survey found that $6.26 billion was spent on falls as a result of working at height. Working at height is inherently dangerous but becomes more so when the incorrect ladders are used or improper setup for a job. Sending your employees to a jobsite without conducting a proper analysis to guarantee you have the proper equipment is setting yourself up to have preventable claims.

Need a License, Permit, or Court Bond? Rancho Mesa Can Help

Author, Matt Gaynor, Director of Surety, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

During our recent budget discussions for the 2024 fiscal year, the Rancho Mesa Surety Department looked at a breakdown of the bonds we wrote in 2023.  As expected, 90% of our bond revenue was represented by the typical performance and payment bonds, subdivision bonds, bid bonds, bond riders, and consents of surety for our construction clients.

The Final Chapter: Addressing Training, Access and Recordkeeping in the IIPP

Author, Jack Marrs, Associate Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In this third installment of exploring an Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP), we will be taking a closer look at: Providing employee training and instruction, procedures to allow employee access to the program, and recordkeeping and documentation.

WCIRB Proposes 2024 Construction Dual Wage Threshold Increase

The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) has proposed an increase in hourly wage thresholds for all 16 construction dual-wage classifications.

The increases range from $1 to $4 depending on the classification and if approved will go into effect for policyholders renewing September 1, 2024 and thereafter. The chart below outlines the proposed increases for each classification.

Mitigating Risks in the Solar Industry with Professional Liability Insurance

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Since the outset of the 21st century, the solar installation industry has been bustling with the demand to create clean sustainable energy. Based on growing political and ecofriendly needs, the solar industry is ever changing and trying to keep up with constant fluctuations when it comes to energy storage, federal and state regulations, and supply chain demands.

Safety Evolution: General Contractors Begin Requiring Safety Helmets Over Hard Hats

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The hard hat has long been a staple for construction-site safety. However, a new contender has entered the industry in 2023 as more and more general contractors are requiring safety helmets.

How Important is Your EMR in the Pre-Qualification Process?

Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

With 2024 right around the corner, general engineering and trade contractors will be required by government agencies and general contractors to enter the annual pre-qualification process in order to bid work. These entities are looking closely at a company’s project history, including project size, bonding capacity, limits of insurance as well as a companies’ Experience Modification Rate (EMR).

Understanding the Importance of Subcontractor Warranty Endorsement in General Liability Policies

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Marketing & Media Communications Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In a recent podcast episode, Daniel Frazee, Executive Vice President at Rancho Mesa, sat down with fellow Agency Principal Sam Clayton to explore a crucial topic in the realm of general liability insurance policies, the subcontractor warranty endorsement. This endorsement outlines essential requirements that contractors should pay close attention to when working with subcontractors.

Digitalization in the Construction Industry: A How-To Guide

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The construction industry stands as one of the biggest contributors to the U.S. economy. With the rapid advancements in technology, however, it still stands out as one of the least digitized industries in the world. While traditionally, construction companies have been loyal to paper methods, digitalization in construction brings many benefits such as increased efficiency, improved safety, and enhanced communication.

Unraveling Residential Exclusions: Navigating General Liability in Construction

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Marketing & Media Communications Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In Episode 339 of Rancho Mesa’s StudioOne™ podcast, Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton interviews Executive Vice President Daniel Frazee as they discuss the importance of Residential Exclusions in General Liability (GL) Policies for companies in the construction industry.

Risk Tamed and Rewards Claimed: Requiring Subcontractor Bonds

Author, Matt Gaynor, Director of Surety, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

We often receive questions from our contractor clients regarding if/when they should require a subcontractor to provide the protection of a performance & payment bond for a project. Although the premium charged for the bond will add cost to the project – on many occasions the benefit of the bond will far outweigh the cost. 

The Critical Role of Pollution Liability Insurance for Mechanical Contractors

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Mechanical HVAC contractors are essential to making sure that buildings around the globe have controlled temperatures and are energy efficient. Nationwide, the demand for mechanical HVAC contractors often keeps these businesses with full backlogs. These companies use various materials that create the potential for a pollution liability claim. Refrigerants, gases, flammable liquids, and lubricants are examples of these types of pollutants. If leaked or exposed, walls, ceilings, and floors can develop damage or mold that is not covered by standard commercial general liability policies.

Cal/OSHA to Enact ETS for Silica Exposure in Artificial Stone Industry

Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

On July 20, 2023, the Cal/OSHA board approved a petition that requested an emergency temporary standard for respirable crystalline silica, a byproduct of manufacturing and cutting artificial stone material.  

A Deeper Dive Into Professional Liability

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Marketing & Media Communications Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In Episode 315 of Rancho Mesa’s StudioOne™ podcast, Executive Vice President Daniel Frazee and Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton discuss pollution liability, and why virtually all general liability policies exclude this coverage.

A Brief Discussion on Pollution Liability

Author, Lauren Stumpf, Marketing & Media Communications Specialist, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

In Episode 315 of Rancho Mesa’s StudioOne™ podcast, Executive Vice President Daniel Frazee and Vice President of the Construction Group Sam Clayton discuss pollution liability, and why virtually all general liability policies exclude this coverage.

Heat Illness Awareness Vital for California's Construction Companies

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

California faces a critical need to prioritize heat illness awareness among its workforce. The combination of Southern California's recent above average rainfall and the anticipated heatwave resulting from El Niño has created the possibility of an extremely warm summer. Construction companies must remain vigilant and adaptable, implementing appropriate measures to address these changing weather dynamics and ensuring the safety of their workers. By staying informed about weather forecasts and implementing flexible work schedules and site preparations, companies can effectively navigate these challenging conditions and prioritize the well-being of their employees. By understanding the significance of heat illness awareness, companies can ensure the safety and well-being of their workers while fostering productivity, minimizing downtime, and improving overall project efficiency.

Implementing Best Practices when Hiring in the Construction Industry

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

With unemployment rates settling near 4 percent, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the right employees to help grow your construction company. With most able-bodied workers having secure employment, this leads to having either apprentice-type employees that come with unique challenges or pulling from an aging workforce that can bring cumulative injuries and risks. Navigating these issues can be complex and there is not a perfect solution, but employer’s hiring practices need to change in order to keep up with the current state of the industry.