Senate Bill 778 Extends Employee Anti-Harassment Training Deadline

Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Senate Bill 778 with “Deadline Extended” stamped in red letters.

Newly passed Senate Bill 778 (SB 778) extends the deadline set in Senate Bill 1343 for California’s mandatory Anti-Harassment Training from January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021. The bill also addresses concerns about supervisory employees and clarifies when temporary workers must be trained. California Governor Newsom signed the bill into law on August 30, 2019, which included an urgency clause that allows the bill to go into effect immediately.

What SB 778 Means to CA Employers

The changes made by SB 778 not only extends the deadline for non-supervisory employee Anti-Harassment training, but also allows supervisory employees to stay on their existing two-year training schedule. For example, if a supervisory employee completed Anti-Harassment training in 2018, their next training, with the SB 1343 compliant content, will be due in 2020 - two years from their last training date, which is before the new deadline. Likewise, if a supervisory employee was trained in 2019, their next training due date will be in 2021.

Non-supervisory employees will need to complete their initial 1-hour Anti-Harassment training by January 1, 2021. For those who have already taken the training in 2019, we recommend they maintain their two-year schedule, and complete the training again in 2021.

Both supervisory and non-supervisory employees must be trained within six months of hire. However, temporary or seasonal workers who are hired for less than six months must be trained within 30 days of hire.

For questions about this training requirement or to learn how to enroll your supervisors and employees, register for the “How to Enroll Supervisors and Employees in the Online Anti-Harassment Training” webinar or contact Rancho Mesa’s Client Services Department at (619) 438-6869.