Lessons Learned in the Mobile App

The lessons learned feature is a great way for an organization to focus on learning. Think about lessons learned as a suggestion box for employees to communicate with management on ways to improve the organization.

Capturing a lessons learned on your mobile device is easy. You will find the main button for Lessons Learned on the main menu. However, there is a Lessons Learned button on the individual Toolbox Talk screen, as well.

You can get to the main menu from any screen on the mobile device by clicking the home button on the top right corner of any screen.

Once on the main menu screen, click the “Lessons Learned” button.

You will then be shown a list of all lessons learned you have created.

There are pulldown menus for Type, Category and Priority to filter the list of lessons learned.

You can also click on any of the Lessons Learned on the list to edit them or provide additional documentation.

To create a new Lessons Learned, click “Create New Lesson” from the top of the lessons learned list.

You should then use the pulldown menus to categorize the Type, Category and Priority of the lessons learned.

A description should also be added either by voice dictation or by typing one manually.

You can also add photos by clicking “Add New Photo.”

Click “Finished” when done.

You will now be taken back to the lessons learned list and your new Lessons Learned will be available to be viewed on the administrator website.


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