Ep. 440 Learning Management Gets New Look in SafetyOne

Rancho Mesa's Alyssa Burley sits down with Client Technology Coordinator Brenda Khalil to discuss the new look of the Learning Management System screen in SafetyOne™ website.

Show Notes: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Subscribe to Rancho Mesa's Newsletter⁠⁠⁠⁠

Host: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Alyssa Burley⁠⁠⁠⁠

Guest: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Brenda Khalil⁠⁠

Editor: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Megan Lockhart

Music: "Home" by JHS Pedals, “News Room News” by Spence

© Copyright 2024. Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. All rights reserved.


Alyssa Burley: Welcome back everyone. My guest is Brenda Khalil, Client Technology Coordinator with Rancho Mesa. Today, we’re going to discuss the new look of the Learning Management System screen in SafetyOne™.

Brenda, welcome to the show.

Brenda Khalil: Thanks Alyssa, happy to be here!

AB: Now, in a recent update, the training section on the SafetyOne™ website was revised to simplify the administration of online trainings.

So, what has changed?

BK: Well, the learning management system change was made to the SafetyOne website. 

Users of the website will now see two menu options under the training section in the navigation panel: “Training Documentation” and “Learning Management System.”

While the training documentation screen has not changed, the new learning management system screen encompasses the functionality that was previously available on the now retired “Training Program” and “Assign Training” screens.

The new learning management system screen now displays four simple tabs across the top.

And each tab is specifically designed for either performing the online trainings, managing the training content library, assigning trainings, or creating training groups.

AB: All right, so, what do you think of the revised screen?

BK: The screen is pretty intuitive with the new tabs clearly labeled and easily accessible. And seeing all options across the top of the screen helps our clients quickly navigate the website. I think it’s a lot more user friendly.

AB: Alright, so, will you describe what the administrator can do on each of the new tabs?

BK: Sure. Well, the “Perform” tab displays all courses that have been assigned to the logged-in user. It includes the options to view all assigned training courses, or only the incomplete courses using the “All/Incomplete” toggle button.

AB: I know when I log into the SafetyOne website, I have a lot of courses on my tab and I need to quickly see which ones I need to complete. So, I can see how this would be beneficial. Users aren’t having to search through a list of courses that they have already completed to find the one that they need to finish.

Now, what are the other tabs?

BK: Now, the rest of the tabs we’ll talk about are only available to SafetyOne administrators.

The “Manage” tab allows administrators to upload new training courses, copy existing courses and delete training courses from the library.

The “Assign” tab allows the administrator to assign the online courses to their employees.

And, this is a big change from the way the screen used to be laid out.

The administrator can assign a single training to multiple users, or assign a single user to multiple training courses by using the “Trainings/Employees” toggle button.

AB: Yeah, this functionality used to be on two separate screens.

Now, using the toggle button, the administrator can stay on the same tab and just change the list view from showing the training courses to showing the list of employees.

I think this is going to make a lot of administrators happy.

BK: I totally agree!

And, along those same lines, the “Group” tab allows the administrator to either group similar trainings together, or group users together.

This simplifies the process of assigning multiple trainings to a group of employees.

AB: Again, this functionality used to be found on two separate screens – one for grouping employees and another for grouping training courses. Now, it’s on one tab and the toggle button instantly changes the view to make it so much easier to create and edit these groups.

BK: Absolutely.

For example, if the employer has a team of employees that will be driving as part of their job description, the administrator would create both a driver group for all drivers, and a driver training group for all driver training courses. Then, they would be able to quickly and easily assign all the appropriate driver trainings to all the drivers in their organization at one time.

We often see training groups used to consolidate new employee orientation into one training course group.

It just helps to streamline the process of assigning multiple trainings to a new employee.

AB: This is all really exciting news and I’m so grateful that we’re able to make these revisions and incorporate requests from our clients into the SafetyOne platform.

So, Brenda, if listeners have questions about how to use the new Learning Management System screen, what’s the best way to get in touch with you?

BK: Sure, the clients can contact me at bkhalil@ranchomesa.com or call me directly at (619) 486-6562.

AB: All right, well Brenda, thanks for joining me in StudioOne.

BK: Thanks for having me!