IIAB San Diego Hosts Celebrity Waiters Holiday Party for Charity

Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

For 31 years, the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of San Diego (IIAB San Diego) have hosted its Annual Celebrity Waiters Holiday Party for Charity. 

Industry leaders gathered on Friday, December 3, 2021 at the Bahia Resort Hotel on San Diego’s Mission Bay to raise funds for the Burn Institute and Healing Wave Aquatics.  Toys and canned foods were also collected for the El Nido Transitional Housing Program at Interfaith Shelter Network.

Rancho Mesa Vice Presidents Sam Clayton and Sam Brown along with Account Executives Kevin Howard and Amber Webb, Associate Account Executive Jack Marrs, Account Managers Christina Haake, John Parker, and Megan Smidt, with Account Coordinator Rachel Bristol celebrated the holidays and the spirit of giving while supporting the IIAB‘s efforts to raise awareness and much needed funds for local charities.

Sam Clayton, the outgoing IIAB San Diego President, introduced the incoming Board of Directors at the annual event. While his term nears its conclusion, it’s not the end to Rancho Mesa’s support of the philanthropic endeavors of the organization.

Rancho Mesa is proud to be a member of the IIAB San Diego.


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