Bureau of Labor Statistics

US Bureau of Labor Statistics Updates Fatal Work Injuries Data

Author, Jadyn Brandt, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has released their Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary for 2023. This data highlights important safety trends across multiple industries and demographics, and can be helpful in determining what areas an employer should look to emphasize in their safety program.

New Hires Pose Hidden Exposure

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Hiring is never an easy task, especially during a pandemic. Dealing with COVID-19 has made finding the right employees much more difficult for many business owners in the construction industry. Now is the perfect time to evaluate your hiring practices to ensure you don’t make a costly hiring mistakes that can affect your Experience Modification Rate (XMOD) and workers’ compensation premium long after the pandemic has passed.