Proposal to Include COVID-19 Claims in EMR Calculation is Denied

Author, Sam Clayton, Vice President, Construction Group, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

It appears the COVID-19 pandemic has finally entered an endemic stage and most companies have fully re-opened and/or are offering their employees some type of a hybrid work schedule. With this being the case, the California Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (WCIRB) proposed to amend the rule that excludes COVID-19 claims from the calculation of experience modifications for only claims with incident dates from December 1, 2019 through August 31, 2022. In addition, the WCIRB proposed that effective September 1, 2022, any new COVID-19 claims occurring after this date would be factored into the calculation of an employer’s experience modification rate.

The WCIRB’s rationale for this recommendation was that current circumstances have greatly changed since the rule to exclude COVID-19 claims from the experience rating were initially adopted in 2020. COVID-19 is no longer a temporary short-term phenomenon and the risk of infection will be present in the general population for the foreseeable future. 

With workplace safety standards in place, personal protective equipment and vaccinations available, employers who are diligent in protecting their employees would in turn have a lower experience modification than less safety-conscious employers in the same industry. 

Fortunately, in late June 2022, this change was not approved by Commissioner Lara, but employers should still actively try to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace by having a written COVID-19 prevention program in place and follow the requirements set by the state and local health department. 

While employers don’t have to worry that COVID-19 cases will affect their experience modification rate, they should still be concerned about the effects on their employees and bottom line. Having employees miss work because of COVID-19 puts extra strain on other employees and can effect productivity, and thus profitability.  

Rancho Mesa has updated its COVID-19 Prevention Program Template designed for California businesses. Request your COVID-19 Prevention Plan template online or contact me at or (619)937-0167.