NIAC Reimbursing for Damage to Employees Personal Vehicles

Author, Jack Marrs, Associate Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Many employees of non-profit organizations use their personal vehicles while performing work-related duties. Following an auto accident, the employee’s personal auto insurance will respond to a third party liability claim. Only once those policy limits are exhausted will the organization’s non-owned auto liability coverage respond.

But who is responsible for physical damage to the employee’s vehicle?

Below, we discuss the impact of California Labor Code 2802 and one insurer’s response.

If an employee’s vehicle is damaged while performing work-related duties, the responsibility of the repair cost falls to the other driver or the employee’s auto insurance. An issue arises, however, when a personal auto lines carrier adopts exclusions that eliminate coverage for an employee involved in a business-related activity.

Complicating matters, California Labor Code 2802 states that “an employer must indemnify an employee for all necessary expenditures or losses that the employee incurs in direct consequence of performing work-related duties.” Non-profit leaders must understand the organization’s obligation to reimburse the employee for the cost to repair a personal vehicle.  

This unexpected expense can be challenging, especially for smaller organizations with employees driving personal vehicles to help fulfill the mission.

Fortunately, Nonprofit Insurance Alliance of California (NIAC), an insurance risk sharing pool for 501(c)3 organizations, has developed a useful coverage to address this issue. If coverage is elected, NIAC will reimburse the employer’s expense for physical damages to a California-based employee’s personal vehicle. Coverage offers $5,000 per claim with a $25,000 policy aggregate limit, thereby easing the financial burden created by Labor Code 2802.

Understanding these types of coverages and their exclusions are key for non-profit organizations. If you’re unsure how your policy would respond to this scenario,  contact me at (619) 486-6569 for a policy audit to see if your organization is covered.


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