OSHA Form Submission Time: A Refresh

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

It's that time of the year again, when employers review their work-related injuries and illnesses from the past year and fill out their OSHA 300A Form. Companies in designated industries must electronically submit the 300A Form to OSHA by March 2nd, 2024. As this deadline swiftly approaches, let’s review further details of these requirements.

In addition to the 300A, companies with 100 or more employees in high-hazard industries must also submit information from their form 300-Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses and Form 301-Injury and Illness Incident Report to OSHA annually.

Furthermore, the 300A Form must also be posted in the workplace, visible to employees, from February 1st to April 30th. The Form 300A does not include personal information such as employee names for confidentiality.

Rancho Mesa clients can utilize the RM365 HRAdvantage™ portal to track their incidents and generate their OSHA 300A Summary along with generate a .csv file that can be used to upload their incident information to OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application (ITA).

Employers can electronically submit their injury and illness information via OSHA’s ITA. OSHA changed their login format as of January 2023, so those who have not logged in last year will need to create a new Login.gov account, using their same email address, to access the application.

The forms 300A, 300-Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses and 301-Injury and Illness Incident Report, as well as instructions on how to fill them out can be found in the OSHA Forms for Recording Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses document.

For additional information and detailed instructions on creating a new account, please visit OSHA’s Injury and Reporting webpage.


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