Revised 2022 COVID-19 Prevention Program Template Now Available

Author, Alyssa Burley, Media Communications and Client Services Manager, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa has revised its written COVID-19 Prevention Program Template based on the Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) adopted by California’s Department of Industrial Relations Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Cal/OSHA) in December 2021 and effective as of January 14, 2022.

To access the revised template, clients can access the editable version from the Risk Management Center, or request to download the PDF, below.

The template is designed to assist organizations in the development of a COVID-19 Prevention Program that is specific to their organization and locations.  Rancho Mesa highly recommends organizations using this template also consult their state’s Occupational Safety & Health Administration and local Public Health Department for specific requirements for their area as requirements can vary from state to state and municipalities. For example, California’s Department of Public Health’s recent guidelines supersede some of the requirements in the ETS.

A discussion on the differences between the previous version and the current version can be found in Ep. 162

Remember, this template alone is not enough to be in compliance. It must also be adapted to each organization and specific locations, as well as implemented. Organizations’ programs may require additional information if the company provides employee housing.

For current COVID-19 information, visit


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